Senior lecturer at ComDev, Malmö university
It is my pleasure to become a senior lecturer at Malmö university!

Communication for Development at Malmö university is an interdisciplinary field of study combining research and practical fieldwork that emerged in the post-war era through the practical intersection of communication and development theories.

The progress of this area of study follows to a great degree the paradigmatic shifts within international development cooperation; from the top-down modernization strategies of the 50s and 60s, to today’s process-oriented models that emphasize participation and dialogue, often combining several different strategies.

Together with my ComDev colleagues Oscar Hemer, Anders Høg Hansen, Julia Velkova, Hugo Boothby and Micke Rundberg, I will be in charge for 5  subjects:

- Research Methodology
- Degree Project
- Culture and Media Analysis
- New Media, ICT and Development
- Media, Globalization and Development. 

Looking forward!