CEDAR report

I am a member of CEDAR – Consortium of Emerging Directions in Audience Research, an Arts and Humanities Research Council funded consortium of early-career European audience researchers. CEDAR came together to map trends, gaps and priorities emerging over the past decade in the field of audience studies.

CEDAR in its first year of work committed itself to conducting a systematic review of the state of the art in the field of audience studies. This phase aimed to identify a set of key themes emerging in the study of media audiences, as it stands today, in a complex multi-genre, multi-media context, with diverse social, political, civic and cultural implications significant for a range of fields in the social sciences.

CEDAR is directed by Dr Ranjana Das of the University of Surrey, UK and co-directed by Dr Brita Ytre-Arne, of the University of Bergen, Norway.

I am attaching our latest publication edited by R. Das and B. Ytre-Arne.